The Chapter of Felicity has a number of Jewels.

Our Founders’ Jewel and Members’ Jewel are of the traditional Royal Arch pattern with bottom bar wrought in the form of a triple tau on which is text in relief reading “58″. Entwined is a banner with forked ends with foliage designs, and with the text reading “FOUNDER / FELICITY / A L 5877″.

Chapter of felicity Founder’s Jewel

Entwined is a banner with forked ends with foliage designs, and with the text reading “FOUNDER / FELICITY / A L 5877″.

The Past First Principal’s Jewel for our Chapter is of the simple traditional design with the name of the Chapter framing the device within a circular band of gold.

Chapter of Felicity No 58
PZ Jewel
Courtesy of the Library & Museum of Freemasonry

Both these jewels belonged to one of our Founders  E Comp Sir William J Crump and were donated to the Museum of Freemasonry by him.