The Chapter of Felicity No 58 is a Royal Arch Chapter, based in London under the authority of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England.
The Chapter meets three times a year on the second Mondays in October, December and February, at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London. The Chapter dines afterwards at a number of different London Clubs.
Formally connected the Lodge of Felicity No 58, the Chapter draws its diverse membership from several ‘red apron‘ lodges, notably the Lodge of Emulation No 21 and the Lodge of Felicity No 58, a number of PSLC, Universities Scheme and College Lodges, and some other London lodges. Some of those with websites can be found on the Links page.
Supreme Grand Chapter states that “In England, the Royal Arch is considered to be the completion of “pure ancient Masonry”. In the Craft the candidate is presented with a series of eminently practical principles and tenets which if he practices them he may hope to live a life pleasing to his God, however he worships him, and of service to his fellow man. But man is not simply a practical being, he has an essential spiritual aspect to his nature. That spiritual aspect is introduced in the Third Degree, in which the candidate is led to a contemplation of man’s inevitable destiny, and becomes the central message of the Royal Arch. In that sense, “pure ancient Masonry” can be seen as a journey of self – knowledge and discovery with the Royal Arch completing the practical lessons of the Craft by a contemplation of man’s spiritual nature, not replacing but reinforcing and supporting what he has learned from his religion.”
Enquiries regarding membership should be made via the contact page. We welcome interest from brethren and companions looking for a suitable Chapter in London, and from suitably qualified companions looking to visit.